Hey guys – just got back from my first ever photo-walk and of course it had to be the Scott Kelby photo-walk, in fact it was ‘The Scott Kelby Worldwide 8th Photo-Walk‘. What’s a photo-walk I hear you ask? Well, it’s a where a bunch of photographers get together and shoot and walk generally around towns and cities. You apply to be a leader of you town then lead your bunch (normally 50) of photographers on a tour around the great areas of your town or city, then meet up in a pub/cafe/restaurant to chat about the walk, make friends and even prizes given away – and then of course BIG prizes for the top images taken around the globe chosen by Scott Kelby himself!
I chose the historic town of Warwick for my photo shoot as I had the pleasure of having the great double act of world famous Photoshop expert, photographer and trainer Glyn Dewis and also Dave Clayton as leaders for this great historic afternoon. It was so much fun and that what this is all about – Glyn even organised a special speaker for the start of the walk – the Warwick Town Crier no less, but it didn’t stop there, we also had the Town Mayor and The Mace Bearer!!! We all had a great day and looking forward to the next Scott Kelby photo-walk.
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