Strike a pose – Thinking about updating your portfolio? Karishma Patel chose RDA PHOTOGRAPHY to update her portfolio and what better place to do this than in a small but very scenic village called Kew which nestles on the banks of the river Thames and only 8 miles from the centre of London. I usually have around three locations in Kew where I love to shoot – a railway bridge that brings trains to and from London stretching over the river Thames – I love this location because of the brick and steelworks, I just love the rugged/rustic look it gives.
Strike a pose – I love shooting with off camera speed lights, just gives that extra pop to an image and you can play around with it to achieve very different results – even by using one light you can get really artistic images.
Another location I love to shoot in Kew is a very small narrow alley way which leads from Kew Gardens road and gets overlooked by many passer-byes. A very under-used path with beautiful leading lines made up by a fantastic brick wall, where speed lights can transform this location into something very special and sets the stage for your model to shine! Painting with light – it’s all in the light and how you use it.
If you fancy being a model for a day just give me a shout at: rda photography where we can taylor your needs to get the most out of light and get ready to Strike a Pose.